Tag Archives for " fatherhood "

Entrepreneurs Vote With Their Feet

Q: What is bringing me happiness right now? A: The relationships in my life. The relationships that I want. The types of experiences I want to share in this world with people that I choose. There is a great saying: Entrepreneurs vote with their feet. If they don’t like something, they change it. I am […]

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Your Growth Depends on Your Thirst For Learning

We have summer contracts for our children. They have worked on these every summer since they turned five years old. There are three categories for their “jobs.” The categories are: 1) Grow your Passions 2) Contribute to Society 3) Expand your Horizons. My favorite example is when my son Anthony picked “paint a painting” under […]

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Serving Others: Caring vs. Curing

Sometimes, I’m confused when serving others. Am I caring for them or trying to cure them? When I try to cure them, I feel tired, anxious, arrogant, and afraid. I’m usually concerned with being right, and manipulating the situation to achieve my solution. I expect those people to live up to my expectations. When I […]

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Harnessing Momentum in Business and in Life

“They were winning, but then they lost momentum.” “Boy, the momentum has clearly shifted in the other team’s favor.” “They have BIG MO on their side now.” Those three sports clichés are repeated in almost every sports telecast. It doesn’t matter what sport–football, basketball, baseball. I’ve heard them in men’s games and women’s games. I’ve […]

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How to Own Decisions and Their Consequences

I had the privilege of speaking to the scholar athletes at Westside High School (WHS) last month. It’s been twenty six years since I attended WHS. Trying to share in fifteen minutes what I have learned since being a WHS scholar athlete was both humbling and terrifying. Reading my own bio in the event program […]

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Love Conquers All

Love has the capacity to heal. Sometimes it takes tough love, but love nonetheless. Anger are powerful, but it doesn’t hold a candle to love. Love conquers all. We’re taught that first we must love ourselves in order to love others completely. It’s not selfishness; it’s called human-ness. Freeing ourselves from the constant judgment of […]

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