We have all been a part of new teams, groups or companies that begin fresh, full of hopes and promises with lots of great ideas. And after many platitudes are exchanged, everyone goes their separate ways – never to speak of these ambitions again. Then towards the end of the season or the new year, […]
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As our children are growing up, Lisa and I have recognized the importance of creating a safe place to land – especially for our teens. And it’s been hard, because I want to talk! I want to fix! I want to give my opinion! But on the flip side, they just want to be heard. […]
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I once attended a leadership class in Washington D.C. taught by Dr. Gerald Bell., noted lecturer and founder of the Bell Leadership Institute. He had printed on our graduation diplomas “To listen or not to listen”. Hmmm. Sounds like that might be the question. To listen, or not to listen? I speak Spanish as a […]
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