Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Have You Given Up On Your Dreams?

When you were little, what did you dream about? I ask my coaching clients this question and you would be surprised to hear that almost always, a handful of them don’t answer. Why? Who knows… maybe they forgot, or they’re too embarrassed to share or worse – they simply just gave up. That last one […]

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How Do You Hold Your Kids Accountable?

Once we established ownership in our family, we knew that we had to DO something as parents. We had to hold them accountable. But to what? And how? And what is accountability? All great questions to wrestle as we led our emerging family of 5 kiddos into the outside world. When you state your Mission/Vision/Values […]

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Are You Raising Entitled Kids?

“No one ever takes their rental car to the carwash. They don’t own it.” I heard this quote at a leadership conference years ago. It never really resonated until I had kids. That is, when it really hit home. I think responsibility is learned through discipline. To be honest, I needed to learn responsibility to […]

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