Tag Archives for " fatherhood "

Are You Raising Entitled Kids?

“No one ever takes their rental car to the carwash. They don’t own it.” I heard this quote at a leadership conference years ago. It never really resonated until I had kids. That is, when it really hit home. I think responsibility is learned through discipline. To be honest, I needed to learn responsibility to […]

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Young Athletes: Redefining The Win

Right after college when I started off in my career, I immediately chased after money, image, and status. I kept thinking- if I just had more… I would be happier. More money, more clothes, more trips. But you see, then I got all those things, and I wasn’t. Not really. I mean, I may have […]

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Act Your Way Out of A Feeling

One of the things we talk about in our group workshops, is that we only have 168 hours in a week. Nobody gets more time, nobody gets less. We all have the same. Therefore, it is important that we are intentional with our time and our attention. Whatever it is that we give our attention […]

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How Authenticity Becomes Its Own Reward

I’ve owned a janitorial company for 11 years. I was also in the process of writing a book about aligning my core values at home with my core values at work. The working title was Cleaning Up. Funny, huh? A janitor ‘cleaning up?’ The title was a double entendre. I know I should have bought […]

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Let Your Core Values Guide You

I was driving down the Rocky Mountains with my then six-year-old son, Teddy. I noticed the guide rails along the winding roads. We had just spent fifteen minutes at the Continental Divide–an impressive view. Before that, we’d been camping along the Colorado River. We were both exhausted. As I drove our rental car down the mountain, […]

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